A Meaningful
The 2024 Greens ’n’ Grapes event offers a premium entertainment and culinary experience whilst supporting worthwhile local and regional charitable organizations that care for and enhance the lives of children and their families throughout Michigan.
Your involvement will have a direct and meaningful impact in the lives of children across Michigan.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
We believe when families are together, they cope better. We believe no family should have to deal with their child’s medical crisis alone.
Since opening in 1985, Ronald McDonald House Charities Ann Arbor (RMHCAA) has welcomed over over 30,000 families.
These families travel a distance from their homes, arriving from out of state and from other countries. Their length of stay may range from a day or two to several months. Our families include moms and dads, brothers and sisters, grandpas and grandmas - RMHCAA is here to keep families together during their difficult time.
Ronald McDonald House Charities Ann Arbor is incorporated in Michigan as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the legal name under which the Ronald McDonald Houses of Ann Arbor operate. Donations to the House are tax deductible as allowed by law. Customers in McDonald’s restaurants in the area support the charity through donation boxes and promotions such as the “Round Up” and other in-restaurant promotions.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Northville Educational Foundation
NEF fosters and embraces educational opportunities and academic excellence for all students by providing aspirational funding beyond the Northville Public School Districts resources.
NEF began by funding teacher grants and student assistant grants. When the District faced a $9 million shortfall from 2009 - 2011 due to state funding cuts, NEF stepped up at support. While the District worked with teachers, staff, and parents to cut costs, NEF helped by funding technology, textbooks, and other needs.
NEF has worked with the District to support educational opportunities in Northville schools. Opportunities such as Leader In Me in the elementary schools, Project Lead the Way classes in the Middle and High Schools and the Village Workshop Co-op for the High School students. NEF distributes thousands of dollars to teach through Innovative Teaching grants – dollars that go directly to the classroom to immediately impact students.